Get user-friendly
CRM solutions

Your customer relations management will be an easy to use business tool that works for you, not against you. We'll show you how!

Many CRM systems are difficult to work with. Take advantage of our CRM personal assistance training and learn the ropes.

Save time and money with the CRM that's right for you

You need to be as efficient as possible in your customer relations management, because in business, time IS money. 

You will be well equipped and well trained by the certified consultants at Certified Computer Solutions.

You have many options
to choose from

  • Zoho CRM
  • Zoho Training
  • Act! CRM
  • Premier trainer for Act!
  • Maximizer
  • CRM training
  • CRM set up

You will have much more control of your client information

With the added advantages of user friendly client relations management, you will have all the important information you need right at your fingertips. Keep track of current clients, leads and any other contacts or calendars, even when you cannot be in the office. Give us a call and make your life easier today!